November 25th*, 3.30pm-5pmWhere: Die Flösserei – Stadtstrand Graz, beim Puchsteig Embark on a 45 minute long journey along the river Mur with „The Calibrator“, for a ritual of speculative mapping and collective calibration. As this is an outdoor happening, make sure to dress warmly. Blankets will be additionally provided. The performance will be documented. In […]
Alle Artikel der Kategorie ‘Events’
Material Talk by Lily Hassioti_November 28th, 2023
November 28th, 6pm Atelier Schillerstrasse 318010 Graz Lily Hassioti, born in 1994, is a multimedia artist based between London and Athens and currently St.A.i.R (Styrian Artist in Residence) at Atelier Schillerstrasse in Graz. During the talk, Lily will discuss the notions of mapping, (electronic) sensing and creating networks through her work. She will present a […]
Material Talk_Niv Gafni_October 10_6pm
October 10th 2023, 6pm Niv Gafni (*1991, lives and works in Jerusalem), currently St.A.i.R (Styrian Artist in Residence) at Atelier Schillerstrasse, will give an insight into his artistic practise and present his current researches and projects. Atelier SchillerstrasseSchillerstrasse 31, 8010 Graz
Performative Visit#3_Roswitha Weingrill
25. 05. 2023, 19h SONIC SOILSeit mehreren Jahren sucht Roswitha Weingrill auf Spaziergängen Materialien wie Lehm, Sand und Steine und sammelt mineralische Alltagsprodukte wie Perlite für Zimmerpflanzen oder Katzenstreu mit vulkanischem Ursprung. Die Materialproben brennt sie im Mikrowellenbrennofen auf ca. 1000 Grad. Manchmal passiert nicht viel, manchmal schmilzt die Testscherbe und erstarrt mit einer glasartigen […]
Performative Visit#2_Markus Edelmann
11.05.2023, 19h Zivildienst – Performance Wild ist, was ich mir erlaube, alles nicht zu tun. / Wild ist, dass ich mir erlaube, nichts zu tun. // Ich raste aus, / indem ich mich ausraste, / obwohl ich etwas tun müsste – / Etwas unternehmen, / damit etwas geschieht mit mir, / was wird – / Aber […]
Material Talk_Yeongbin Lee, 24. November 2022, 18h
WIE WIR LESEN (Material Talk) Eine Frage: „Wenn Pinocchio keine Ohren hat, dann…?“Franziska Füchsl, Autorin und Buchprovisoria, und ich haben beschlossen, Übersetzungen und Figurationen auf diese angebrochene Frage zu finden. Wir wollen die Geschichte, die alle kennen, die vielfach instrumentalisiert wird, sezieren, auseinander bauen. Franziska Füchsl öffnet Pinocchio durch Sprache, Wörter und Geschichte. Als bildende […]
Performative Visit#1 _Katie Lee
25. Juli 2022, 18h A performance by Katie Lee “What happens when someone acts, when someone writes a letter or lifts her feet or kills or kisses… For many, the difference between actions and other kinds of events turn on the presence of mental states….And yet how does a mental state like desire or intention […]
With artist Michaela CaskováSun 22. 5. 202211:00 – 18:00 While walking we will forage material that will turn in experimental laboratory into inks and dyes over the weekend. We will together create, share, taste and experience the colour code of weather in the neighbourhood.
Material Talk_Michaela Casková
Tuesday May 24, 2022 – 6pmMichaela Casková, Styria-Artist-in-Residence (St.A.i.R.) in conversation with artist Veronika Hauer Michaela Casková is a visual artist, art educator, designer, nomadic gardener and forager who keeps an eye on atmospheric events. Motivated by processes of connecting, sharing, doing, being and learning together she keeps moving between different collaborative and interdisciplinary projects. As […]
Material Talk_Camilla Alberti
Wednesday August 11, 2021 – 6pm Camilla Alberti, Styria-Artist-in-Residence (St.A.i.R.) in conversation with artist Andreas Heller Camilla Alberti (Milan, 1994) obtained a MA in Visual Arts and Curatorial Studies at NABA. Her practice reflects on the concept of building worlds, on the roles and relationships that each inhabitant (human and non-human) defines with his being […]